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Let's Chat About Pantry Moths In Dallas

Serving Families Throughout Dallas, Fort Worth & Houston
pantry moths stuck to paper

Various creatures, including weevils and types of beetles and moths, live amid many types of dried foods and are known as pantry pests. These pests plague homes, food production or storage facilities, restaurants, grocers, and other locations. Some specific species in this category include Indian meal moths, tobacco moths, drugstore beetles, and flour beetles.

Indian meal moths (Plodia interpunctata Hübner) are among the most commonly encountered types of pantry pests that invade products, including cornmeal, flour, dried fruits, powdered milk, seeds, and nuts. Adult Indian meal moths measure approximately 3/8 of an inch with a larger wing span. The outer parts of the wings generally appear red, brown, or bronze, and the inner wings appear in shades including grey or yellow.

What is the pantry moth life cycle? Data from the Urban and Structural Entomology Program at Texas A&M University explains that adult moths only live for five to seven days, which makes reproduction critical for maintaining these creatures. Female Indian meal moths may lay hundreds of eggs, which they position in or near food. After hatching, these insects progress through a larval stage, appearing as worms or caterpillars, and usually form a “cocoon” as they transition through a pupae phase before reaching adulthood.

Are you experiencing a moth invasion? Based on their vigorous reproductive capabilities, many of those who try expelling these pests experience challenges; therefore, seeking assistance from a licensed pest control company is often the best means of addressing these concerns. An experienced provider of Dallas pest control services understands the different moth varieties and knows the best moth removal methods.

Why Are There Pantry Moths In My Pantry?

While pantry moths that exist outdoors may enter homes through open doors or torn window screens, the majority of these pests enter homes within store-bought packages of dried food.

Can Pantry Moths Eat Through Plastic?

During some phases of development, pantry moths have mouthparts capable of penetrating some of the weaker cellophane, plastic, or cardboard containers; therefore, consider transferring dried foods into hard plastic, glass, or metal containers. In many instances, rodents will initially penetrate the packaging material, which allows moths access inside.

Where Do Pantry Moths Lay Their Eggs?

Pantry moth eggs are often found individually or in groups amid viable food sources, which contaminates the product—requiring disposal.

What Should I Do To Make Pantry Moths Go Away Permanently?

Today, various retailers, such as home improvement stores, market general kitchen bug and pantry moth spray and types of pantry moth traps that contain pheromone chemicals that supposedly attract moths and use a sticky glue-like substance that traps these creatures. These types of do-it-yourself home treatment options are passive tools for reducing the number of moths that enter your cupboards or pantries; however, they do not represent a viable solution when facing a substantial infestation of these flying pests.

Some individuals will try taking matters into their own hands by creating home remedies such as traps containing vinegar, which may repel various insect species. However, this might also invite fruit flies and types of aphids drawn to the sour odors associated with fermentation. The majority of these efforts produce mediocre results at best that often result in further aggravation. A more realistic solution to these types of pest-related problems involves consulting with a local pest control professional.

The experts with All-Safe Pest & Termite provide truly comprehensive home pest control services for customers in Dallas. We will assist those struggling with ants, termites, rodents, and many other undesirable and potentially harmful critters. Contact our office today to speak with a friendly member of our team regarding a consultation.

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