Sawtoothed Grain Beetles
What Are Sawtoothed Grain Beetles?
Sawtoothed grain beetles are flat, slender, brown beetles that have wings but do not fly. These insects have six unique saw-like projections on either side of the thorax.
The larvae of the sawtoothed grain beetle have a worm-like appearance; they are slightly smaller than the adult and a yellowish-white color.
These insects are a type of pantry pest that regularly invade our Dallas homes and businesses.
Sawtoothed Grain Beetle Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Are sawtoothed grain beetles dangerous?
The fact that the sawtoothed grain beetle infests and contaminates dry goods makes them a costly and dangerous pest. The elimination of these pests is important to protect our food sources. The good news is that they are not known to transmit diseases to people, nor do the adults bite or sting.
Why do I have a sawtoothed grain beetle problem?
With a flattened body, the sawtoothed grain beetle can easily hide in cracks and crevices and penetrate poorly packaged materials and broken grains. These pests typically enter Dallas homes inside dry goods purchased from the store already contaminated with their eggs and larvae.
Some of the favorite places female sawtoothed grain beetles lay their eggs include:
- Bread and dry pasta
- Dry pet food
- Cereal and flour
- Sugar and candy
- Nuts and dry fruits
- Once the larvae hatch from the eggs, they feed on and contaminate the food provided.
Where will I find sawtoothed grain beetles?
An infestation of these pests usually first occurs at the food storage or packaging facility. They are also regular invaders of homes, restaurants, schools, and other commercial facilities that deal with food preparation or storage.
In our homes, these pests live mainly in kitchen and pantry areas.
How do I get rid of sawtoothed grain beetles?
Get rid of sawtoothed grain beetles with the help of experienced professionals at All-Safe Pest & Termite. We are the best choice to keep your Dallas home or business free of sawtoothed grain beetles and other pests.
Top-quality pest control services, modern products, and quick response times are why so many Dallas residents trust us with their pest control needs. We provide customers with the peace of mind to know their home has become and remain free of pests!
To learn more about our residential or commercial pest control services, reach out to All-Safe Pest & Termite today!
How can I prevent sawtoothed grain beetles in the future?
Prevent problems with sawtoothed grain beetles by partnering with All-Safe Pest & Termite and by implementing the following prevention tips:
- Inspect all food packages for rips or tears before purchasing them from the store.
- Remove stored foods like flour and cereals from their original package and place them in airtight containers.
- Keep the kitchen and pantry clear of crumbs and other food debris.
- Regularly go through dry goods stored in your home, getting rid of older or expired items.

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