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Conquering Pantry Pests: Tips And Techniques For A Bug-Free Kitchen In Houston

Serving Families Throughout Dallas, Fort Worth & Houston
indian meal moth crawling in a pantry

If you were starving, would you eat a bug? Some would. Others might not. What we can be sure of is that most people will not eat bugs if they do not have to; this is what makes pantry pests so problematic. If you have not heard about this genre of pests or would like to know more about keeping these insects out of your stored goods, we have some things for you to think about today.

Call our team at All-Safe Pest & Termite - Houston if you want our help with an active pantry pest infestation in your home. We will send a technician your way to give these bugs the boot. Keep reading if you want more information about pantry pests and to find out your options for pantry pest control in Houston.

Types of Pantry Pests: A Comprehensive Overview

A pantry pest is any creature that likes to invade stored food products. Some local creatures are close to being pantry pests; this includes cockroaches and rodents who love to nibble on any food they find indoors. What sets pantry pests in Houston apart is how they lay their eggs inside food boxes; this includes bugs like Indian meal moths, drugstore beetles, granary weevils, confused flour beetles, and red flour beetles.

How do these insects get into your food? Sometimes infestations start at the supermarket. Other times these bugs crawl into food as it is packaged at a facility. Most often, these bugs fly or crawl into homes and start a problem once they are indoors. 

Pantry Pest Damage: How They Ruin Stored Food

The good news with pantry pests is that most are technically edible. If you accidentally swallow a spoonful of contaminated cereal, you don’t have to worry about negative side effects beyond feeling nauseous at the idea of eating bugs. The problem lies in the fact that people don’t like eating insects or their young. Having these pests in your pantry is bad if you also feel this way. What makes things worse is that pantry pest larvae do not stick to one box. Once they grow up, they will leave their birthplace and find new packages nearby to contaminate; this is how problems spread. 

Pantry Pest Extermination: When To Call In The Professionals For Help

Getting rid of pantry pests is not as easy as you might think. Throwing away all of your stored food might be necessary to combat these pests. Your problem will return, however, if you do not deal with the other moths or beetles hiding around your home. This is where professional pantry pest control comes in.

Our team at All-Safe Pest & Termite - Houston has advanced offerings to help you deal with these terrible local invaders. Call us today to find out more to schedule your home for pantry pest identification and to get our help dealing with these disgusting bugs. 

Sealing The Deal: Tips For Properly Storing Food To Keep Pests At Bay

There are things we can do to help you keep pantry pests out of your home, including establishing a treatment barrier around its exterior. However, if you want total protection, here are some DIY tips and tricks you will want to use.

  • Throw away food that might be contaminated with pantry pests or their larvae.
  • Check boxes of food for signs of damage before purchasing them.
  • Keep unscreened doors and windows shut when you are not using them.
  • Make sure to seal your home’s exterior properly.

Call our team at All-Safe Pest & Termite - Houston if you want to know how to get rid of larvae and adult pantry pests inside your Houston home or if you would like our direct help handling these invasive bugs.

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