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The Most Effective Tick Control Strategy For Your Houston Property

Serving Families Throughout Dallas, Fort Worth & Houston
deer tick on finger

Finding ticks in Houston around your property is more than a nuisance. Ticks are parasites that can bite you and your pets, potentially exposing you to disease. Illnesses related to these pests can make you quite sick.

When you deploy the best pest control in Houston, you can receive the benefit of our proven strategies to control ticks. At All-Safe Pest & Termite, we work to find practical solutions that combat ticks.

How Common Ticks Get Around

Ticks cannot fly or jump, so you do not have to worry about them moving quickly like other types of pests. Instead, they crawl across the ground. One of the most common ways ticks move from place to place is when riding on a host animal or person. Ticks will hide in grassy areas, waiting for a dog or a person to come by. As you brush against the blade of grass, the pest may drop onto your shoe or cling to the fur of a dog.

They may stay on you or your pets until you go inside your home. They then may try to bite you or your animals. Ticks may enter your home by biting a mouse or another rodent. If that rodent moves into your home, the tick may leave the rodent and look to bite you or your pet.

Ticks Are Known To Spread Many Dangerous Diseases

Unfortunately, a tick bite can cause illnesses for both humans and animals. Can ticks kill dogs? If the tick is carrying a certain type of illness, the tick bite could be fatal to a dog. Most dogs are able to withstand tick bites without suffering a fatality, but some dogs are more susceptible. 

Otherwise, ticks in Houston can spread similar types of diseases to pets and their humans, including:

  • Lyme disease: Both dogs and humans can contract this illness from a tick, which causes rashes, fatigue, fevers, and body aches in humans.
  • Ehrlichiosis: This disease is especially common with the ticks found in Texas. Humans can suffer fever, fatigue, headache, and muscle aches.
  • Rocky Mountain spotted fever: When humans end up with this disease, they can experience a high fever, rash, muscle aches, and fatigue.

If you believe you or your pet is suffering from an illness after a tick bite, you should see a doctor or a veterinarian as soon as possible.

Factors That Cause Tick Infestations Around A Property

You may be wondering where ticks are found. In the Houston area, ticks can be found almost anywhere. There are a couple of ways to reduce the number of ticks you may have on your property.

Start by taking precautions to keep rodents away from your property. Because ticks often bite and ride on rodents like mice and rats, you don’t want these rodents near your home. Remove any food you are storing outside for pets. Eliminate moisture and standing water as well.

You also can take steps during maintenance of your property to reduce the number of ticks in the area. Mow grassy areas regularly, and don’t allow your pets to go in areas with tall grass. Create gravel barriers between your property and any wooded areas, as ticks will avoid gravel paths.

The Best Way To Protect Your Property From Tick Infestations

So how do you get rid of ticks? The team at All-Safe Pest & Termite knows how to prevent ticks successfully on your property and will deliver effective solutions to keep ticks away. Keep your pets safer, as well as your entire family, when you let us work around your Houston home to control pests like ticks. Reach out today for help with ticks and to learn more about our residential and commercial pest control services in Houston.

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