Crickets are a widespread insect, seen in lawns all over the world and in many children's tales as an adorable yet wisecracking sidekick. In the United States, there are over 120 types of crickets, with the majority doing their best to keep their distance from humans and their homes. The two species of crickets commonly found making their way into our houses in our area are the house cricket and the camel cricket.
The house cricket has earned its name for its proclivity to make its way inside our houses, chirping for hours from an impossible location to pinpoint.
Camel crickets are named after their appearance, sporting a humped back and a set of extra large legs. While more of a nuisance pest, unable to bite, they can become a problem if they get inside our homes.
Let's take a look at what to look for to identify the crickets infesting your home, how to keep crickets out of your house, what you can do to get rid of crickets, and where to find experienced pest control in Katy if DIY approach to evicting them from your property fails.

What Are Crickets?
Crickets are long-lived insects found in every state and are easily identifiable by the oversized real legs they use to propel themselves into the air. They are omnivores, capable of eating just about anything if given a chance, from plants, seeds, and grains to insect larvae and each other.
Crickets are usually found in moist areas with a lot of greenery and foliage they can feed on. Still, from time to time, especially during a dry spell, crickets will sneak into our homes, attracted by higher moisture levels.
House crickets in Katy are usually between 3/4 and 7/8 inches long with yellowish-brown bodies and a pair of rarely used wings. They are nocturnal, and the chirping noise they use so skillfully to keep us from getting any sleep is produced by rubbing their wings together in the hope of attracting a mate.
Camel crickets are much larger, up to 1 1/2 inches long, with dark brown bodies, humpbacked appearance, and long antennae. Camel crickets do not have wings and do not chirp, lacking the appendages needed to produce that annoying sound.
The Damage And Disruptions Crickets Can Cause In Your Home
Unable to bite, crickets constitute little threat to our day-to-day lives. But, once inside your home, they might keep you awake with their incessant chirping, and sometimes you'll discover damage to clothing, carpets, paper, and vegetation inflicted by their mandibles.
All The Ways Crickets Can Enter Homes
More often than not, crickets make their way into our homes through cracks in the outside walls or damaged window screens. To prevent crickets from making it into your home:
- Fix plumbing leaks
- Ensure there are no water puddles by the house walls
- Turn off exterior lights at night
- Seal cracks and crevices in the outside walls
Since crickets have several natural predators, keeping the grass cut short around your home will often be enough to give them second thoughts about attempting to make it inside.
The Stress-Free Way To Get Rid Of Crickets In Your Home
While generally harmless, crickets do not make good house guests, and attempting to rid your house of them is often an exercise in futility. While not likely to fly away, they are extremely sensitive to sound and vibration and will go quiet and hide as soon as you're within room distance from them.
If your house is infested with crickets and you can't get any sleep thanks to their obnoxious chirping-give the home pest control pros a call today at All-Safe Pest & Termite, and we'll be happy to help!