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A Complete Guide To Carpet Beetle Control And Removal In Dallas

Serving Families Throughout Dallas, Fort Worth & Houston
carpet beetle up close

If you own a home in the greater Dallas area, there are many different types of pests that you may have to deal with. Cockroaches, mice, rats, bed bugs, spiders, silverfish, and centipedes can all come to visit. Another pest you may encounter in your home is carpet beetles. Carpet beetle infestations can seemingly come out of nowhere, and can grow quickly. If you have carpet beetles in your Dallas home, prompt, effective treatment is essential if you want to get rid of them.

Pest control in Dallas doesn’t have to be difficult. All-Safe Pest & Termite knows how to get rid of carpet beetles. Call us today for help.

How To Identify Signs Of Carpet Beetles In Your Home

Here are ways you can tell if you have carpet beetles in your house: 

  • Tiny dark-colored droppings below your wardrobe or near the base of furniture.
  • You find bald areas on stored fur coats.
  • You find larva skins under rugs, near furniture, and around pet fur.
  • You see bare spots in wool blankets, rugs, and clothing.
  • You see carpet beetles themselves.

If you have carpet beetles in your home, All-Safe Pest & Termite can help you. We know how to kill carpet beetles, and we can help you with any beetle infestation. Contact us today.

Why Do I Have Carpet Beetles In My House?

Adult carpet beetles live outside and feed on flowers. They pose no overt risk to your home. Their larvae, however, seek food sources that contain keratin. This can draw them to keratin-rich food sources like wool and leather inside your home. Unfortunately, because carpet beetle infestations can be difficult to identify early, carpet beetles may cause extensive damage to anything in your house that they like to feed on before you realize what is going on

If carpet beetles have come to visit you, All-Safe Pest & Termite professionals know what to do. Get in touch with us today to explore our safe, effective, and science-based treatment approaches. We know how to get rid of carpet beetles, and how to keep them away afterward.

What's The Best Way To Get Rid Of Carpet Beetles?

It can be highly difficult to treat carpet beetle infestations using DIY treatment methods. They do not respond well to bait traps, and can often survive attempts to remove them from houses. Infestations can continue and then grow worse, and the damage can intensify. Carpet beetle infestations can also be challenging to identify in the first place.

If you find yourself struggling to deal with a carpet beetle infestation, worry no more. All-Safe Pest & Termite professionals know how to treat carpet beetles, and we can help you. 

How To Prevent Future Carpet Beetle Infestations In Your House

Carpet beetle infestations can be difficult to identify and hard to deal with. Given that carpet beetles can cause extensive damage to items inside your house, here are some ways that you can decrease your chances of having to deal with them in the first place:

  • Inspect wool or wool-blend carpets often for any signs of infestation.
  • Carefully wash or dry clean all wool or wool-blend items before storing them away. This ensures that carpet beetles and their eggs are eliminated.
  • Vacuuming often can help prevent carpet beetles and many other pests.
  • Inspect any leather or wool items you bring into your home for signs of carpet beetles. This helps prevent the
  • importation of carpet beetle infestations.
  • Store any wool or wool-blend items in sealed, air-tight containers. 

These simple tips can help you decrease your chances of having to deal with carpet beetles in your home, but they can’t eliminate the possibility that they might still come to visit you. When that happens, All-Safe Pest & Termite can help you. We have extensive experience with carpet beetle infestations, and we can help you with yours. Call us today.

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