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A Comprehensive Guide To Effective Tick Control In Dallas

Serving Families Throughout Dallas, Fort Worth & Houston
tick bite

Dallas loves dogs, and with one of the country's highest populations of domestic pets, keeping them safe and healthy is important. Effective pest control in Dallas is often decided by whether or not you check your pets for hitchhikers. Ticks are a menace to pets and people alike, so here are some helpful tips from All-Safe Pest & Termite service professionals.

The Variety Of Ticks You Can Find In Dallas

While there are many different species of ticks throughout the southern United States, Dallas sees two species, in particular, deer ticks and lone star ticks. Deer ticks, or black-legged ticks, are a brown-orange color and grow from the size of a sesame seed, before feeding, to up to a quarter inch in diameter when fully engorged. Lone Star Ticks are reddish brown ticks that turn gray after feeding.

Engorged ticks are ticks that have fed themselves on their host's blood for a considerable time. If you come into contact with an engorged tick on your person, seek medical evaluation for tick-transmitted diseases. Here’s some more information on the diseases ticks are known to spread.

The Dangerous Diseases Tick Bites Are Known To Spread

Ticks, particularly deer ticks, spread a variety of diseases because they feed on an animal’s blood for nutrients causing instances of blood-to-blood contact, which can result in dangerous diseases. Tick bites can cause different diseases, depending on the tick that bites you.

Blacklegged ticks transmit Lyme disease by transmitting the bacteria responsible for the disease, Borrelia burgdorferi. Lone Star Ticks are known to transmit diseases such as tularemia, also known as rabbit fever, and ehrlichiosis, which is particularly dangerous for young children and elderly adults. Ticks are never a good thing to have around, and here’s how you should respond to a tick bite in most scenarios.

What Do I Do If Bitten By A Tick?

Tick bites can be dangerous, but a rapid response can prevent disease. If a tick bites you, locate the affected area and remain calm. Ticks like to hide in hair and under clothing, so if possible, have another person check hard-to-reach areas. It’s best not to attempt to remove the tick yourself, as the tick’s body may break off in the attempt, leaving behind the head still lodged in your skin.

Seek medical attention as soon as possible, as diseases can take as little as 24 hours to set in from a latched-on tick. Tick removal is a common occurrence for medical professionals, and it can be done safely and swiftly in your average doctor’s office. Afterward, be certain to listen to the doctor’s instructions as they will inform you of what you should look out for in case of disease or infection. With all the dangers of tick bites, you may want to know how to prevent ticks from entering your home.

The Best Tick Control For Around Your Home And Yard

When dealing with ticks around your home and yard, the best option is to contact a pest control specialist. Pest control specialists have access to tools and chemicals that otherwise would be inaccessible to typical consumers. However, you can take a few preventative measures to reduce the chances of a tick infestation:

  • Keep your lawn well-trimmed and cut bushes back to reduce the chances of ticks attaching to yourself and your pets.
  • Reduce or remove bird feeders from your property to reduce wild animal encounters.
  • Seal spaces around the exterior of your home to prevent wild animals from gaining access.
  • Place a stone barrier between wooded areas and your property’s lawn.
  • Regularly wash your pets to remove fleas and check for ticks.
  • Vacuum regularly wherever your pets like to be.
  • Set up a year-round tick program with your veterinarian and pest control specialists.

For the best results, you should always contact a pest control professional. Contact the service professionals at All-Safe Pest & Termite for more information today.

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