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Are Springtails In Plano Dangerous?

Serving Families Throughout Dallas, Fort Worth & Houston
up close image of a crawling springtail

Oftentimes, when Plano homeowners come across pests inside of their homes, they jump. However, certain pests jump when they see you, too. One such pest, here in Plano, is the springtail. Often confused for fleas due to their jumping ability, springtails are common home invaders that can infest in large numbers and be difficult to get rid of. You need to know the preventative measures you can take to keep these unwanted pests out of your Plano home. Furthermore, should your home or property become overrun with springtails, you need to know the effective control solutions you can count on to get rid of them.

What Do Springtails Look Like?

Springtails are small pests that grow to be about 1/16th of an inch long. They can appear grey, brown, or mottled and have small hairs covering their backs. Springtails get their name from their ability to jump when they feel threatened. Because of this, springtails are often confused with fleas. However, while fleas rely on their powerful legs to jump, springtails use what’s called a furcula to do so. This furcula is a body part that is connected to the undersides of their abdomens. When a springtail feels threatened, the furcula fills with fluid, causing it to hit the surface below which then launches the springtail up into the air.

Are Springtails Dangerous?

Despite being confused with fleas, springtails do not possess any of the same threats as them. They don’t feed on blood, nor do they carry or transmit harmful diseases. Moreover, they do not pose any threats to our properties or our plants. As such, springtails are largely considered to be nuisance pests. However, just because they don’t pose any direct threats to us or our property, that doesn’t mean springtails don’t come without their drawbacks. For starters, springtails infest in large numbers. Not only is this unsightly, but it also makes getting rid of them a challenging endeavor. As such, it is best to take the proper preventative measures beforehand so that you don’t have to worry about getting rid of them.

What Factors Attract Springtails To Properties?

By and large, springtails are attracted to moisture. Therefore, any areas of high moisture in your home or on your property could attract springtails to it. Outside, this includes leaf and debris piles, woodpiles, rocks, low-lying areas in the yard that don’t drain properly, or clogged gutters. Inside, areas such as attics, basements, crawlspaces, storage areas, and other spaces with poor ventilation could entice springtails. Also, leaks and clogged drains could attract them inside.

How Can You Prevent Springtails From Invading Your Property?

To keep springtails out of your Plano home, you should try to address any moisture issues in your home and around your property. This includes removing moisture-friendly harborage areas, as well. To achieve these goals, you should:

  • Remove leaf piles, debris, and overgrown vegetation from your yard.
  • Pick up rocks and keep woodpiles away from your home’s exterior.
  • Ensure all drainage is working properly and fill in any low-lying areas around your property.
  • Keep all gutters free of debris and make sure drain pipes are working effectively.
  • Use dehumidifiers to lower humidity in your home, especially in poorly ventilated areas.
  • Fix leaking pipes and fixtures.
  • Fill in cracks in your home’s foundation. 

How To Get Rid Of Springtails

If you are dealing with a springtail infestation in or around your Plano home, contact the professionals here at All-Safe Pest & Termite immediately for assistance. Not only will we eliminate any springtail infestation with which you are currently dealing, but if you opt for one of our ongoing treatment plans, we will work with you to ensure your home remains pest-free all year long. Don’t let springtails live in your Plano home. Give us a call today.

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