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Everything You Need To Know About Fleas In Arlington

Serving Families Throughout Dallas, Fort Worth & Houston
a cat flea crawling on fabric

If you have a pet, you know that flea protection is important for the health of your pet and in preventing flea infestations. But what if you don't have a pet? Do you need to be concerned about a flea infestation? Today we're looking at this and other important questions every Arlington family should have an answer for.

Should I Be Worried About Fleas If I Don't Have a Pet?

If you don't have a pet, it is far less likely that you'll have a flea infestation. But it can still happen. How? Mice and rats can bring fleas into your home. As a mouse or rat explores your home, tiny flea eggs and the flea dirt from adult fleas fall off these rodents.

How Do Fleas Reproduce Inside?

A flea begins life inside its eggs. These eggs are laid by fleas on their host animal. As the animal moves around, the eggs slide off and land on the ground. The eggs hatch into flea larvae, which do not spring around like adult fleas. They're little worms. They also don't feed on animals or humans for blood. They need to find flea dirt to feed. Flea dirt, which is essentially the droppings of adult fleas, contains the blood-developing flea larvae need to survive. If flea dirt is found, the larvae grow and eventually cocoon themselves. In cocoons, they go through their pupal stage and become adults. It is at this point that they can become a threat to you. When they sense a warm-blooded animal nearby, they break free of their cocoons, spring through the air, and get on you or your pets.

Are Fleas Dangerous?

Most of the time they aren't. They just inflict merciless bites on your pets and you. But, under the right conditions, they can be a serious threat. If a flea contracts a dangerous pathogen, such as murine typhus, bubonic plague, tungiasis, or tularemia, it can make you, your family, and your pets very sick. They also commonly spread tapeworms to animals when they groom themselves and sometimes to humans when fleas are accidentally consumed.

How Do I Get Rid of Fleas?

Once you get fleas, they can be very difficult to get rid of. Fleas are resilient and resourceful pests that can complete their entire life cycle indoors. Some suggestions we make for flea control are:

  • Vacuum frequently.
  • Wash pet bedding and areas where pets lay down.
  • Make sure your pets have flea collars.
  • Give your pets a flea bath.
  • Wash your bedding in hot water and run them through a 30-minute dryer cycle.
  • Address rodent infestations.

If you only have a few eggs or a few adult fleas, you may arrest your flea infestation. More often than not, fleas find a way to reproduce and grow their populations.

Do Natural Flea Treatments Work?

When the methods above don't work, folks sometimes turn to DIY flea treatments. These might begin with natural treatments such as vinegar sprays, the spreading of diatomaceous earth, or washing pets with dish soap. We strongly recommend you don't take this route. These natural treatments just don't work.

Do Chemical Flea Treatments Work?

You can have some success with chemical treatments that are residual but we caution the use of these products because they can make you and your family sick when they are improperly applied. They can also be ineffective when improperly applied. Be sure to read all the warning labels and instructions carefully if this is the route you decide to take.

The Best Solutions For Fleas in Dallas

If you're battling fleas, relief is just a few clicks away. At All-Safe Pest & Termite, we offer comprehensive pest control solutions for difficult pests like fleas. Request a free estimate and tell us about your pest problem. We can help you get the results you're looking for, and help you avoid frustration and wasted money on flea control products that fall short. Reach out to us today.

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