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Frisco Property Owners' Guide To Scorpion Prevention

Serving Families Throughout Dallas, Fort Worth & Houston
striped bark scorpion on a stick

Did you know that scorpions are actually considered arachnids? These scary pests are members of the class Arachnida along with species like spiders, mites, and ticks. It’s no wonder then that scorpions are almost as feared as spiders.

Dealing with scorpions in Frisco, Texas can be both frustrating and upsetting. They can sting, and these stings range from quite painful to sometimes dangerous. In our area, there is one main species of scorpion that you have to worry about: the striped bark scorpion.

You can identify the striped bark scorpion by their yellow and tan coloration and because they have two black stripes on their backs. They are relatively small at only two and a half inches long, and their tails and claws are rather narrow when compared to your average scorpion.

However, despite their small size, these scorpions can be dangerous. It’s important to know how to prevent them in order to keep yourself and others around you safe.

How Dangerous Are Striped Bark Scorpions?

Scorpions are known for their long, narrow stinger and their two front claws. While they have claws, they don’t bite and rarely pinch people, but they will sting if they feel threatened. Their stingers contain venom which can be potentially harmful.

In the case of the striped bark scorpion, most stings aren’t life-threatening. However, some people can have allergic reactions to the venom, and, in rare cases, these reactions are quite serious. Because of these risks, it’s always important to seek medical attention right away if you or someone around you has been stung.

Some Effective Scorpion Prevention Tips

While striped bark scorpions usually live outdoors, they will come inside in search of pest prey. One of the main ways to reduce the risk of a scorpion problem is to address underlying pest problems around your property. Striped bark scorpions usually hide under bark, rocks, and woodpiles or in cracks in walls. If they do come inside, they are usually found in basements and closets or inside things like boxes and shoes.

To help prevent these dangerous pests, here are some easy steps you can take:

  • Reduce access points by fixing broken screens, installing door sweeps and weather stripping, and filling cracks in the walls and foundation with foam and caulk.
  • These scorpions prefer damp, dark environments, so address humidity problems by fixing leaky plumbing and using dehumidifiers.
  • Remove things like fallen trees, leaf piles, wood, and grass clippings from your yard to reduce areas where striped bark scorpions often hide.
  • Take out the trash often and keep kitchen spaces clean to help prevent insect prey. You should clean up food and drink spills immediately and regularly sweep and mop. Also, make sure to keep both indoor and outdoor garbage cans fitted with lids.

Get Help With Scorpion Problems

Trying to deal with striped bark scorpions around your property is stressful, but you don't have to handle this issue on your own. While stings are rare, they do happen, so it’s best to leave their removal to the professionals.

The experts at All-Safe Pest & Termite have over 30 years of experience dealing with scorpions and their pest prey. We provide both residential and commercial pest control options that suit your needs, and we will control problem scorpions in no time. Find out more, or request a free estimate, by calling us at (972) 945-9226.

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