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Houston's Complete Silverfish Prevention Guide

Serving Families Throughout Dallas, Fort Worth & Houston
close up of silverfish

Silverfish are a major nuisance to area homeowners. These tiny invaders feed on several different food sources and can destroy your precious belongings. Finding silverfish in your home might not seem like a big deal, but an infestation can cause damage if it's not dealt with immediately.

These bugs are hard to eradicate without the help of a professional. This informative guide contains everything you need to know about silverfish and why All-Safe Pest & Termite is a trusted source of pest control in Houston.

What Is A Silverfish?

Silverfish are teardrop-shaped insects with six legs and two antennae. They are wingless but can run very fast and are expert climbers. They range in color from silver to brown and are roughly 3/4" in length. Silverfish get their name from their scaly, fish-like appearance. Adult silverfish and their young are similar in appearance, differing only in size.

Silverfish prefer moist areas with a lot of humidity. These pests are nocturnal and can survive several weeks without access to a food source. Homeowners frequently find them in basements, bathrooms, and attics. One of the biggest signs of a silverfish infestation is noticing their feeding marks, which look like notches or holes. Silverfish feces leave behind yellow stains and consist of black, pepper-like droppings. 

Why And How Silverfish Invade Homes

Silverfish pose no significant health risk to humans, aren't carriers of infectious diseases, and don't cause major structural damage to homes. They are considered more of a nuisance pest and can destroy paper-based belongings, feed on paper fibers, and destroy books, letters, and artwork. They also destroy wallpaper and feed on the proteins found in glue. Silverfish also feed on clothing fibers and foods commonly stored in your pantries, such as flour and oats.

These pests enter your home through cracks in your exterior walls. Silverfish also make their way inside through poorly sealed windows and doors. They hitch rides on old books, boxes, and second-hand furniture and clothing. They're attracted to moisture found around leaks in the roof and plumbing areas; you may also find them around vents and close to HVAC units. Outdoors, and silverfish prefer to make their homes in damp soil in gardens and close to a home's foundation.

Four Naturally Effective Silverfish Prevention Tips

The most effective form of silverfish pest control is making your home as unattractive to these pests as possible. Here are four great ways to keep these insects from invading your property:

  • Seal openings: Use caulk to seal openings around windows and doorways. Repair any damaged trim and seal cracks in your home's foundation.
  • Remove moisture: Place a dehumidifier in your basement and other damp areas of your home. Fix any leaks in pipes and utilize weather stripping.
  • Clean up: Unclog your gutters and remove debris from around your foundation. Get rid of any standing pools of water around your yard, especially if they are close to your house.
  • Smart storage: Store food in airtight containers. Plastic ones with locking lids are ideal. Don't store important items in cardboard boxes.

It can be frustrating to discover these pests in your home, especially if you've taken the necessary precautions. Calling a professional with silverfish extermination experience is the most effective way to solve the problem. 

The Secret To Total Silverfish Control For Houston Homes

The best way to get rid of silverfish is to work with a professional who knows how to eliminate them for good. Our highly skilled technicians at All-Safe Pest & Termite use the latest methods to ensure silverfish never return to your property. To learn more and schedule an appointment, give us a call today.

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