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How Much Do You Know About Sowbugs In Fort Worth?

Serving Families Throughout Dallas, Fort Worth & Houston
sow bugs infesting wood

On the list of pests that invade our Fort Worth homes, sowbugs might not be the biggest, the baddest, or even the most destructive. But, if you’re anything like us, you don’t want any pests in your house at all, whether they’re dangerous or just unsightly. Since they’re very small, sowbugs can be hard to keep out in the same ways you’d keep typical home invaders out. However, the more you learn about sowbugs, the better chance you’ll have at keeping your home pest-free, from any and all pests.

Sowbugs In Your Soil

These small, flat, oval-shaped pests only measure up to one centimeter long, for the most part. However, their pack mentality makes them show up in your yard in large numbers, invading your garden soil to feed on decomposing plant and insect matter. They may resemble their cousin, the pillbug, but they have a few main differences. First of all, they don’t roll up into a ball when they’re disturbed, and, unlike pillbugs, they have two rear appendages that resemble tails. Like the pillbug, however, sowbugs are not insects. Rather, they’re crustaceans (yes, like lobsters) who live on the land. They still need plenty of moisture, though. That’s why they’ll spend most of the time in moist soil in order to survive.

Sowbugs In Your House

If sowbugs enter your home, they’ll only do so because they mistake it for a moist environment in which they can thrive. Typically, they can’t survive in your house unless they find some source of soil, like an indoor potted plant. If you do find one in your house, it’s a strong indication of a large infestation in your yard, since they rarely travel without a large pack. Finding sowbugs in your home is not necessarily any cause for alarm. However, their dead carcasses sitting around can be very unsettling, along with attractive to other pests who feed on decaying insects. By adhering to the following steps for sowbug prevention, you’ll limit both their desire and their ability to get into your house.

  • Declutter: when you have a lot of clutter in the yard, it provides plenty of cover for sowbugs and other pests. Open, organized spaces in your yard are a terrifying prospect for sowbugs, so cleaning up anything laying around can deter an infestation. Store firewood away from the house, and remove any logs, boards, or stones that aren’t necessary.
  • Maintain a sowbug buffer: creating a barrier between your home’s foundation and anything like mulch and leaves that can make for an ideal sowbug habitat will deter them from entering your home. Since sowbugs are small, it doesn’t have to be a very large barrier (no more than 30 centimeters wide).
  • Seal potential entry points: any sort of cracks and holes in the foundation can allow sowbugs to enter your home with ease. You’ll also want to have proper weather-stripping on all of your exterior doors and secure caulking around all of the windows.
  • Reduce moisture: Since sowbugs need moisture to survive, they’ll only enter your home if they think it will be a damp habitat. Basements and crawl spaces with excess humidity will attract sowbugs, along with leaking pipes anywhere on the property.

Even though they are not dangerous pests, you don’t have to accept sowbug infestations on your property as an unfortunate nuisance that you have to deal with. You can get rid of them for good by enlisting professional pest control services. Contact our friendly, knowledgeable pest technicians at All-Safe Pest & Termite for more advice or assistance.

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