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How To Get Rid Of Crickets On Your Houston, TX Property

Serving Families Throughout Dallas, Fort Worth & Houston
a cricket crawling on grass

You are probably familiar with the iconic chirping noise of crickets, which is made by male crickets of some species when they rub their wings together. For the most part, this insect doesn’t cause much concern like other pests do. In some places, crickets are even considered good luck if there is one in your home, and in other places, they are a delicacy, sometimes covered in chocolate and enjoyed.

Crickets can vary in description based on the species, but generally, they have six legs with their back legs being long and powerful, long antennae, and wings, which some species use to fly while others don’t.

But chances are, if you are reading this, you probably see crickets as a pest and not something you want in your house or on your plate. If this is the case, you are in the right place to learn how crickets, as pests, can be destructive and dangerous to people in Houston, Texas.

How Are Crickets Destructive?

Although a few crickets in your yard are more of a nuisance than a problem, they can quickly become one if they get into your home. Below are three ways crickets can become a problem:

  1. Loss Of Sleep: While the singing of crickets usually fades into the rest of the background noise of our lives, there are times when this chirping can seem never-ending. If this is the case, it can be easy to lose sleep, which can cause other health concerns.
  2. Destruction Of Belongings: Materials such as wool, cotton, silk, and linen are all organic fabrics that crickets feed on. If inside, crickets can chew holes in clothing and furniture.
  3. preading Parasites: Although they rarely do, crickets can bite people. They won’t break the skins, but they can transfer

parasites like salmonella and E. coli. And contact with cricket feces can cause painful sores and rashes on the skin.

You might be thinking crickets aren’t as bad as other pests. And sure, this is the case, but because crickets don’t pose as significant a threat as others. This doesn’t mean they should be overlooked. By understanding what attracts crickets in the first place, you can prevent them from causing problems in your home.

How Are Crickets Attracted?

There are several simple tips you can implement using the knowledge of what makes a conducive environment. These tips include:

  • Keeping outdoor lights off or dimming them at night can make your property less attractive as crickets are nocturnal.
  • Maintaining your yard by keeping the grass cut short, trimming excess foliage, and removing debris are essential for all pest control.
  • Sealing entry points should be one of the first things you do when implementing pest prevention. Crickets, like other pests, can get in through cracks in the foundation, exterior walls, and gaps around doors and windows.
  • Reducing moisture in your home by using dehumidifiers and proper ventilation is important as crickets are attracted to moisture. Areas like crawlspaces, garages, and basements often have high moisture levels. You should also clear your gutters and make sure they are properly directing water away from your home.
  • Vacuuming regularly can help remove eggs that are laying inside your home.
  • Inspecting potted plants for crickets before bringing them inside.

How Can Professionals Help With Crickets?

For more advice or assistance, contact the professionals at All-Safe Pest & Termite. Our residential pest control is fast, effective, and guaranteed. With two customizable programs to choose from to meet your needs and budget. Contact us at All-Safe Pest & Termite for pest-free living.

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