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The Most Effective Carpenter Ant Control For Your Plano Home

Serving Families Throughout Dallas, Fort Worth & Houston
carpenter ants

When you come across carpenter ants on your property, you know you're in for a fight. These critters are relentless in their quest for wood, and they'll stop at nothing to get to it.

Once they've infested your home, carpenter ants will start hollowing out the wood to create passageways and nesting areas. This can cause severe damage to your property. If you're concerned about carpenter ants, call pest control in Plano.

 A seasoned pest exterminator knows everything there's to know about these insects and how to get rid of them. They're your best shot at getting rid of carpenter ants for good and keeping them from coming back. 

The Life Cycle Of Carpenter Ants

Understanding the life cycle of carpenter ants in Plano is key to getting rid of them. Carpenter ants go through three main stages in their life: egg, larva, and pupa.

  • Eggs: The eggs are laid by the queen ant and incubated for about two weeks before hatching into larvae.
  • Larvae/Pupa: Larvae go through several molts before entering the pupal stage, where they develop into adults.
  • Adults: Once they become adults, carpenter ants are ready to reproduce and build their nests.
  • Carpenter ants typically live for about two years, but the queen ant can live for up to 20 years. If you don't get rid of the queen, she'll keep producing eggs, and the cycle will continue.

This is why it's so crucial to call pest control as soon as you see carpenter ants. They'll locate the nest and get rid of the carpenter ant queen on your property, ending the cycle once and for all.

Carpenter Ants Don't Eat The Wood They Infest

Unlike their counterpart - the termite - carpenter ants don't eat wood. They damage wood by hollowing out passageways and nesting areas.

This can cause severe structural damage to your property if left unchecked. You can tell if carpenter ants have infested your home by:

  • Frass: Carpenter ant frass in your home is a tell-tale sign that you have an infestation. Frass is the wood shavings and debris that carpenter ants leave behind as they hollow out the wood in your home. 
  • Hollowed-out wood: Another sign of carpenter ants is hollowed-out wood. While you can't see this damage, sometimes you can hear it by tapping on the wood you suspect may be infested.
  • Live ants: Black carpenter ants in your home are a sure sign of an infestation. If you see these critters, call pest control right away. 

Carpenter ants are serious pests that can cause extensive and expensive damage to your property if left unchecked. You can avoid carpenter ant damage to your home by calling pest control as soon as you see evidence of these pests. 

Factors That Attract Carpenter Ants To Your Home

Some other factors that attract carpenter ants to your home include:

  • Leaky pipes
  • Damp wood
  • Food
  • Debris

These pests are pretty destructive and should be removed as soon as possible to prevent further damage. Call pest control right away if you think you might have carpenter ants.

Contact The Pros At The First Sign Of Carpenter Ants In Your Home

While products such as advance carpenter ant bait gel can be effective in the short term, the best way to get rid of carpenter ants is to contact an ant control expert. 

At All-Safe Pest & Termite, we understand you've put a lot of money, time, and effort into your home, so we'll work hard to get rid of these pests quickly and effectively. 

We won't cut corners or take shortcuts - we'll ensure the job is done right the first time. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation. 

We look forward to hearing from you.

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