How Pantry Moths Get Into Frisco Pantries & How To Keep Them Out
Few pests that are as disturbing to think about as pantry moths. Why do we say this? Because pantry moth infestations often begin with hundreds of eggs inside a package of food purchased from the grocery store. When you finally see moths in your pantry, it is possible to have had an infestation for months. Doesn't that sound yummy? Hopefully, you have taken steps to prevent the consumption of infested items. Here are a few ways you can keep pantry moths out of your Frisco pantry, and keep yourself from accidentally eating contaminated items.
Sealed Containers
If you're looking for the secret weapon in the war on pantry moths, this is it. When you put pantry items in sealed glass or plastic containers, you get several benefits.
- A glass container will allow you to easily see the food inside. This may allow you to see eggs or tiny larvae crawling around. If you miss those, you're definitely going to see the webbing created when larvae cocoon and transform.
- Any container that is sealed will prevent pantry moths from spreading. If eggs can hatch and larvae can to develop into adult moths, those moths won't be able to lay their eggs in another package of food.
- If an Indian meal moth gets into your home from the outside, which is somewhat rare, it will not be able to infest sealed items.
Product Inspection
Pantry moths can lay their eggs inside your packaged food at any point from farm to table. If they find a way into your foods en route, the package will likely be damaged. Inspecting food packages closely can help you keep pantry moths from coming home with you. Look for very tiny tears or holes. An Indian meal moth is only about 5/8 of an inch long.
Proper Storage
When you put packaged items in your pantry, be mindful of the expiration dates. Put new items toward the back and old items toward the front of your shelves. Routinely check your pantry packages and throw out items that are past their due dates. Marking the due dates on all your packages can help with a quick inspection of due dates and disposal of old items.
If you don't want to eat contaminated foods, it is a good idea to know what a pantry moth looks like. These tiny moths are easy to miss, and it is also easy to not realize you're looking at a moth. Typically, moths are big fuzzy creatures that fly around your exterior lights. When you find one of these small moths, it is likely to be clinging to a wall or shelf. You can quickly identify it by its rusty brown coloration with the light tan swatch through the center.
What To Do If You Have An Infestation
If you find Indian meal moths in your pantry and your pantry items are in sealed containers, you'll probably be in good shape if you throw the infested item outside and clean your pantry shelves and wall thoroughly. Be sure to vacuum any cracks or crevices where eggs might be laid.
If you find Indian meal moths in your pantry and you don't have your pantry items in sealed containers, the process for getting rid of these pests can be laborsome. You'll need to pour your pantry items out and inspect them. We recommend using large ziplock bags to store your items. Once you've isolated all infested items and thrown them out, you can put your bagged items back into your pantry or purchase sealed containers to store them.
If you have an infestation that can't be corrected, or you want to avoid the hassle of correcting it yourself, you can reach out to All-Safe Pest & Termite. Our licensed pest professionals use established methods for isolating infested items and treating areas for pantry pests. We can help you resolve any pantry pest infestation. Whether you have moths, beetles, weevils, or some other pest, contact us for immediate assistance. We provide industry-leading pest control in the Frisco area. We can help you resolve your pest problem.

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