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Identifying Carpenter Ant Damage In Fort Worth

Serving Families Throughout Dallas, Fort Worth & Houston
Carpenter ant crawling across a pile of sawdust

There are insects all around Fort Worth. Many like to stay outdoors and will never cause problems for homeowners. Others love to invade and can cost you a lot of money or threaten your health. Carpenter ants are one insect invader that you should be worried about.

If you know these pests are inside your home and want to get them out quickly, talk with our team at All-Safe Pest & Termite. We will offer an option for carpenter ant pest control and help you schedule an appointment for your home. Otherwise, keep reading to learn more about the carpenter ants in Fort Worth and how they might damage your home’s equity with their destructive mouths.

Why Carpenter Ants Are Such A Destructive Pest Inside Fort Worth Homes

Carpenter ants might just be the worst ants here in Fort Worth. Why? Because they are a direct threat to the health of your home. Unlike other common types of ants, these larger pests do not live underground or in tight spaces. They like to build their nests inside structures of wood. In nature, they live in trees and stumps. Inside homes, they live in beams, boards, and other foundational wood. This is a problem.

The longer carpenter ants build, the more damage they cause. You should definitely avoid this if possible. To help you deal with these pests, here is how to spot them indoors and some tips to keep them away.

Telltale Signs Of Carpenter Ant Activity In Fort Worth

Spotting carpenter ants in Fort Worth is not always easy. The only time it is easy is when these pests decide to invade living areas to look for food and moisture. If you actively see these bugs crawling around your home, assume there is an active problem.

To identify a carpenter ant infestation without seeing these bugs, look for the damage they cause. This includes pin-sized holes in wood and frass. The Frass looks like sawdust and can stick to walls around exit holes. If you want to help spot these pests, talk with our team about our detailed inspections. We would be more than happy to help you assess your risk.

Tips To Minimize Your Risk For Carpenter Ants

If you don’t want carpenter ants chewing their way through your home, you need some form of prevention in place. Here are some things we recommend you do.

  • Seal up holes, cracks, and openings in your home’s exterior foundation.
  • Address damage to windows and doors and make sure they have proper seals.
  • Repair structural wood inside your home that is moisture-damaged, rotting, or in decay.
  • Fix leaky piping and fixtures.
  • Address moisture build-up.
  • Use a dehumidifier indoors.

To get rid of carpenter ants or for long-term professional control, talk with our team at All-Safe Pest & Termite. We have what you need to stop these pests.

Why To Call For Professional Treatment Immediately For Carpenter Ants

Taking care of carpenter ants is not an easy task. If you don’t have professional training in using pest control products, it is best to leave them alone. That said, we are pest control experts. Our team knows out to utilize advanced products to root our carpenter ants wherever they might be, inside or around your home.

With one visit, we will put you on a quick path to freedom from these pests. All you have to do is talk with our team about your needs. Give our team a call at All-Safe Pest & Termite if you want to learn more about carpenter ant removal or if you are ready to schedule a visit for your Fort Worth home and property.

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