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How Can I Safely Get Rid Of A Wasps Nest On My Houston Property?

Serving Families Throughout Dallas, Fort Worth & Houston
wasp on plant

Stinging insects such as bees and wasps often create nests in residential areas that pose safety concerns. In the natural ecosystem, many stinging insects serve a beneficial role, such as promoting the pollination of plants and crops and reducing the population of various nuisance insects. Homeowners often inadvertently encounter a stinging insect nest when performing home repairs, gardening, or cutting the grass. Wasps are among the most dangerous types, particularly when they attack in groups.

How do I get rid of a wasp nest? Wasps will typically respond aggressively when their nest is disturbed. Some individuals will try crude and reckless methods for removal, such as striking the nest or spraying it with a garden house which is generally ineffective and undoubtedly dangerous.

The best option for those struggling with these nests involves contacting a local pest exterminator. A seasoned Houston pest control professional knows how to identify wasps, understands how to remove wasps, and will operate in a manner that ensures overall safety.

What Are Wasps?

Wasps (Hymenoptera) are flying creatures that are typically omnivorous and classified according to whether they live in large social colonies or maintain a solitary existence. Although similarities exist with bees, wasps have several distinct characteristics. For example, bees typically have a round body style, while wasps have a long, slender frame connected by a thin “waist-like” petiole. Further, wasps usually have a smooth exterior, unlike the hairier body of bees.

Some of this region's most common wasp species include paper wasps, bald-faced hornets, and yellow jackets. Depending on the species, wasps may create “papery” aerial nests in trees or below roof overhangs, interior crevices or void locations, or below-ground sites.

How Dangerous Is It To Have A Wasps Nest On My Property?

Wasps will aggressively defend their nest when they feel threatened and often attack in swarms. Bees have a barbed or serrated stinger that will only penetrate once, as the lodged stinger remains in the victim’s skin; however, wasps possess a smooth stinger that allows for repeated penetration.

Most people who endure a wasp sting usually exhibit fairly mild symptoms, including pain, swelling, and skin irritation. Some individuals develop more adverse allergic reactions, including nausea, shortness of breath, or anaphylaxis that require prompt medical assistance.

What are the best practices for how to treat a bee or wasp sting? People with mild or moderate reactions may find relief by washing the affected area of skin with soap and water, applying an ice pack or hydrocortisone cream, or taking over-the-counter pain relievers.

How Can I Prevent Future Wasp Infestation On My Property?

Are you a Houston resident pondering how to deter bees and wasps from entering your property and constructing a nest? Some of the best preventative measures include:

  • After barbeques or picnics, thoroughly remove all food and packaging materials from the yard, deck, or patio.
  • Trash bags containing food scraps in exterior areas should remain inside sealed garbage receptacles.
  • Fill any ground holes on the property that might accommodate underground nests.
  • Repair any cracks, crevices, or voids that develop near the foundation of the structure, within the siding, or around gutter systems.
  • Consider planting alternatives to flowers that may repel wasps, including mint, marigold, lemongrass, or wormwood.

Some homeowners fail to routinely inspect the exterior areas of their property for any evidence of wasp activity. Early detection of wasp nests, particularly during the construction phase, usually makes the process of stinging insect removal much easier.

What's The Best Way To Safely Get Rid Of A Wasp Nest?

Based on the potential risks, those without proper training should seek assistance from a pest control professional to remove wasp nests. The specialists with All-Safe Pest & Termite have decades of experience safely solving problems involving wasps and other stinging insects for local property owners. Contact our office today to schedule a property inspection for our wasp control services.

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