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How to Tell if It’s a Brown Recluse Spider in Your Frisco Home

Serving Families Throughout Dallas, Fort Worth & Houston
brown recluse spider

Brown recluse spiders can be dangerous to encounter, but they are also difficult to identify correctly. It is essential to understand this spider type to know which actions to take when encountering one.

Identifying Brown Recluse Spiders

Brown recluse spiders are among the most misidentified spider types, primarily because they appear similar to other spider species. Brown recluses have a noticeable violin-shaped marking on their backs, but even this can be hard to see for many individuals, especially if they are startled by the spider. Because it is difficult to see several of the brown recluse hallmarks, you can instead lookout for these signs that indicate the spider is not a brown recluse.

  • If a spider has eight legs instead of six, it is not a brown recluse. True brown recluse spiders only have six eyes arranged in pairs with a pair in front and a pair on either side.
  • If the spider's legs have patterns, spikes, or spines, it is not a brown recluse. The brown recluse’s legs are smooth, angular, and solid in color.
  • Several spiders have violin-shaped markings on their back, but if this marking is light or non-distinctive, it is not a brown recluse. True recluse spiders have a dark, distinct violin shape on their back.
  • If you can see a web nearby, it is likely not a brown recluse. A genuine brown recluse will typically create a web in a highly secluded area.

Brown recluse spiders are one of the most medically dangerous spiders in North America besides the black widow. The venom in their bite can cause several severe symptoms such as fever, convulsions, itching, nausea, and muscle pain. It may also cause necrosis, which is the death of living cells and results in an open wound that refuses to heal. What’s worse is that many individuals do not feel or see the moment a brown recluse bites them, leading to a lack of timely treatment.

If you believe a brown recluse spider has bitten you, you should seek medication attention immediately. Even if you are not sure which type of spider or insect bit you, it is better to be safe than sorry and take proper precautions.

Spider Prevention Tips

To keep brown recluse spiders from sneaking into your home, here are a few prevention tips that you can follow:

  • Seal up gaps in windows, doors, and around your home’s foundation to make access into your home difficult. You may also want to replace a broken window and door screens or weather stripping.
  • Invest in pest control around your property with the help of All-Safe Pest and Termite. This can help reduce the number of pests prey that spiders enter your home in pursuit of.
  • Dispose of all food and trash waste promptly in tightly sealed areas. The aroma of food and trash is a major draw for pests, which can attract spiders.
  • Seal up all leaks inside and outside of your home. This can reduce spots of moisture around your house that may attract spiders or their pest prey.
  • Clear your yard of debris and clutter to reduce the hiding spots that pests and spiders may live in. You should also keep the grass trimmed low and firewood stored at least 10 feet away from home.

Safe, Effective Spider Removal

Whether you have encountered brown recluse spiders on your property or not, an abundance of spiders is never a good sign. The most effective way to handle spiders and other pest problems that feed them is by reaching out to All-Safe Pest & Termite experts. For over 30 years, we have provided a safe and effective approach to pest management. Call us today to case those spiders away.

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