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The Many Problems A Flea Infestation Can Create In Your Texas Home

Serving Families Throughout Dallas, Fort Worth & Houston
flea on skin

As ectoparasites, fleas will approach warm-blooded animals and humans and use their mouthparts to pierce the skin and consume blood. Fleas are wingless creatures that appear in shades of red or brown that have powerful rear legs allowing them to jump onto hosts. Fleas primarily target cats, dogs, and rodents for feeding.

Fleas often emerge from areas of tall grass and vegetation and leap onto hosts. Fleas commonly rest on the backs of hosts and will enter a home.

Are you wondering how to get rid of fleas in your house? Local property owners should seek assistance from a Texas pest control company that understands how to remove fleas from home locations. Flea infestations pose significant challenges, making most do-it-yourself home treatment options unsuccessful.

Retailers sell various sprays, foggers, traps, and other products to eliminate fleas. Often these store-bought options use exaggerated marketing claims such as being a “simple and complete solution” to flea-related infestations. Many homeowners find that these products are insufficient for expelling deeply-entrenched infestations and create only short-term results. 

There Are Many Ways Fleas Can Infest Your Home

Once indoors, fleas might reside in rugs, carpeting, upholstered furniture, and any cracks or crevices.

Can fleas lay eggs in human hair? Fleas will not ordinarily lay eggs in human hair. Some species of fleas, such as cat fleas, will not generate eggs if they consume only human blood. Fleas can jump a considerable distance for their small size, but they rarely reach heights of more than six inches.

The majority of flea bites on humans occur around the ankle area. Many people often describe flea eggs as appearing similar to a small grain of rice in a shade of white. To the naked eye, people might mistake flea eggs for dandruff, but the eggs are much more oval and consistent (uniform).

In addition to flea eggs, small “pepper-like” excrement may also appear. When gathered in sticky clumps, this “flea dirt” is often visible on dogs. 

Fleas Can Be A Health Hazard For Both People And Pets

Humans represent a secondary option for hungry fleas in the absence of their preferred animal hosts, such as a family pet.

Are flea bites dangerous for humans? Yes. Fleas bite humans and non-humans, creating itchy areas of skin and potentially spreading disease.  While owning a pet makes a household more susceptible to fleas, these pests may enter homes within types of fabric and similar materials.

Because of the rapid breeding process associated with fleas, a relatively minor intrusion may quickly develop into a full-blown infestation. Some humans may experience more severe allergic reactions from flea bites; however, most people have mild to moderate symptoms. Bite marks on the skin often appear in small groups or clusters around the feet, ankles, and legs.

Unlike bites from many creatures such as bed bugs, flea bites are less likely to blister. People with thick hair on their thighs or chest may also experience flea bites in these regions. 

A Flea Infestation Can Be Extremely Difficult To Get Rid Of

Fleas are among the most difficult types of pests to completely eliminate. Some of the reasons why fleas pose significant challenges include: 

  • Pets require year-round treatment to prevent fleas, preferably under the care of a licensed veterinarian.
  • Fully eliminating flea infestations may require washing or treating all rugs, pet beds, or similar materials.
  • Fleas reproduce quickly and in large numbers.
  • Most people commonly need follow-up treatment for any fleas that emerge from eggs after the initial application. 

Regularly vacuuming rugs, carpets, and upholstered items is often critical, particularly in homes with two or more pets. 

Contact The Professionals At The First Sign Of Fleas In Your Home

The specialists with All-Safe Pest & Termite receive high-quality training and have many of the latest products in the pest control industry at their disposal. Contact us today regarding an inspection.

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